Bid Goodbye.....
Have you ever happily bid goodbye to someone and didn;t expect that you wont see him or her anymore?

This is what happen to me....
this time, its not one person, but a whole groups of sweet and beloved peoples.

Orchid Park Secondary Sch guitar Ensemble have been a baby to me for almost a year plus. The joys, the jokes, the happiness, the back stage encouragement , the canteen break, the simple hellos, making fun of Jun jie, pin pointing mistakes, learning new scores, messy fingering, Rushign out my scores, explaining music, pressing chords ,voicing out how much you hate chords , hearing the instructor singing alone .....the lists can go on and on and onz....

I miss you all.....

I felt my tears fallin when one of the student mention to me ," I rather be happy then to get a silver"
This is just so soo touching and sad to hear it...
I start off the ensemble in a direction that will be both enjoyable and fun. But today is the first time i hear ppl cried, during lesson???

Would want to wish all the girls and guys all the best in their passion and hope they willl continue to love arts and music ...

星期三, 一月 07, 2009


Who Am I?
<fav toy>
Name: Ernest Chua
Genre: Male
Race: Chinese
Location: Singapore
Hometown: Singapore
- Listening and playing Music
- Reading lots of music magazines
- Playing Instruments
- Scribble and drawing
- Movies chaser
Webby: www.blackforestband.com
More: www.friendster.com/ernestchua
My songs
